Though it only takes four ingredients to make them, you can spice things up by adding all sorts of differents flavours and/or toppings.
I'll be doing a separate blogpost about possible flavourcombinations later on.
For now, we'll focus on getting the basis right. 'Cause no matter how delicious your frosting, if the cake itself isn't up to scratch, you'll never be able to get a good result.
As I said, the ingredient list is very short, but the way you handle them makes all the difference in the world.
What you'll need is:
- 125g / 4,40 oz Butter
- 125g / 4,40 oz Sugar
- 125g / 4,40 oz Selfraising flour
- 2 Eggs (a normal egg usually weighs around 50g /1,76 oz each)
Now comes the magic, where you turn these ordinary ingredients into scrumptious little cakes.
But first preheat the oven on 180° C / 356 degrees fahrenheit.
Make sure the butter is very soft (not molten though). You can do this by putting it at room temperature until it's soft, but this takes about forever. A faster method is to just slice it in smaller chunks and put it in the microwave for about 20 seconds (if it's not ready yet, put it in for another 10 seconds). You should be able to put your finger (or spoon) in without feeling any resistance. It is likely that there'll be some molten butter in the bottom, but that's okay. Don't worry.
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see my the dents that my fingers left? |
Put it in a mixing bowl together with the sugar and mix until the mixture is white and creamy. This takes a few minutes so don't stop whisking to quick.
You will need an electric mixer of some sorts because doing it by hand will have you sweating like a pig long before the mixture bears any resemblance to what you're looking for... just saying ;)
Next step; If you use a Kitchenaid artisan mixer like I do (don't you just love that machine!!) now's the time to switch from wire beater to dough beater. If you don't have a Kitchenaid, use a spatula to mix the rest of the ingredients in.
When you add the flour and eggs, don't just throw everything in at once. Add the flour gradually and alternate with the eggs. I usually add in about 2 tablespoons of flour and then mix. Then one egg and mix till incorporated. Then add some more flour, and then the other egg... You catch my drift?
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this is what the finished dough should look like |
Now why can't I just whack everything in and stir like crazy you ask?
Simple; if you add all of the flour in one go, you'll end up with flour all over your countertop and probably on yourself as well (at least that's what would happen with me). Also, you'll never be able to incorporate everything without ending up with lumps in your dough. And we don't want that, no sir.
So nice and gentle it is!
And one last tip on the dough; don't beat too much because that would leave you with a stodgy cake. ( the more the flour is worked, the more the gluten inside the flour will develop and create a tough dough).
Allright, we're almost there.
Line a cupcake tin with paper cases. You don't HAVE to do this, but it prevents the cakebatter from going all over the place. Instead you'll end up with nicely shaped cupcakes. Also, don't put in the batter first and then try and transfer the cases, that'll be cakebatter-mayhem...
To fill the cases I tend to use an ice-creamscoop that can squeeze out the batter itself so I don't have to fidlle with spoons.
Once filled, put the cakes in the oven for about 12 to 15 minutes, depending on the strength of your oven.
Leave them to cool for a few minutes, and then remove them from the tin. If you try and take them out immediately after leaving the oven, they'll fall apart..
PS. This is probably my most favourite dough so do try some before putting it all in the oven. Perks of being a baker I guess ;)
Verwarm de oven voor op 180° C.
Maak de boter zacht door even in de microgolf te plaatsen. Begin met 20 seconden. Als het nog niet zacht genoeg is, hou het dan bij 10 seconden per nieuwe poging, anders zal de boter teveel gesmolten zijn.
Voeg de boter en de suiker samen en mix tot het mengsel lijkt op een luchtige crème. Gebruik hiervoor zeker een elektrische mixer, zoniet zul je serieuze armspieren kweken ;)
Voor het toevoegen van de bloem en de eieren gebruik je best een spatel.
Voeg enkele eetlepels bloem toe en meng voorzichtig (niet te hard, niet te zacht). Voeg dan een ei toe en meng het onder het deeg. Dan opnieuw wat bloem enzovoort. Tot alle ingrediënten vermengd zijn. Roer niet te lang want dit zal zorgen voor taaie cakejes. Als alles een mooi geheel vormt is het goed.
Doe het deeg in papieren vormpjes (zoals je ziet op de foto, gebruik ik hiervoor een speciale ijscrème-schepper). Bak de cakejes mooi goudbruin in 12 à 15 minuten (afhankelijk van je oven).
Laat ze even afkoelen in de bakvorm.
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