Sunday, 3 August 2014

Fruit tartlets

Luscious sun ripened fresh fruit on a bed of creamy mascarpone, cupped by a crisp, golden brown pastry.. Need I say more?!

These little pieces of heaven definitely look the part, and the second best thing is (eating them is  obviously the absolute best - duh) they're not that hard to make.
The only thing you actually have to make is the pastry. The making of the filling literaly consists of stirring, adding some spoonfulls and then stirring some more. It doesn't come much easier than that.

Thursday, 31 July 2014

You heard it here first...

Soooo... Long time no see, I know.

Since starting this blog I realised that blogging is a lot harder than I expected.
I got sidetracked for a minute and couldn't seem to get back to it. I haven't stopped baking (as if that's even an option, honestly) but I found it hard to take a step back every five seconds to take a picture of the process. And it was a lot harder still to come up with some interesting writing about it afterwards. I mean, the moment that you're baking, you kinda "get in the zone" (at least, I do, how 'bout you guys?) and when the delicious fragrances of a perfectly baked cake/cookie/bread (insert whatever tickles your fancy) escape the oven it's easier to just enjoy it while it's still warm instead of trying to snap some pretty pictures.. You know what I mean?

I also got a job (to be honest, my first day was way back in February) and it proved (see what I did there ;) to be difficult to combine with regular baking.
But last week something happened, I actually started taking pictures of my baking something and I even caught myself thinking how best to describe the recipe step by step..
You heard it here first, I'm back!
It might have something to do with a recent vacation in Great-Britain, and my visiting a few a lot of cookery shops, especially one in Canterbury where I bought my first ever very own rolling pin (the one I previously used was my mom's) and I'm loving it!

Although admittely I can't guarantee daily posts, I will however do my flippin' best to get some mouthwatering, crispy golden baked recipes up for you.
If there's any requests, do feel free to ask me!

And next up => fruit tartlets (or 'tartelettes' seeing it's a French classic and all that)